Medical acupuncture is a form of acupuncture that targets nerves, joints, tendons, and muscles to provide relief and restore function to the body systems targeted. Click the link below to learn more about this service!
Category: Common FAQs
Does “deep tissue” massage hurt?
Deep tissue massage can make you feel sore after the session due to the nature of the massage. This may last for 24-48 hours but you will never experience excruciating pain or bruising.
Do you run Discounts and Promos?
Various promotions run all year long, follow my socials on facebook and Instagram to keep up with them!
What is Your Cancellation Policy?
I have a cancellation fee of $50 for no-shows or appointments canceled within 24 hours of the appointment.
I do understand that unexpected events occur (i.e. emergencies, illness, etc.) and do take them into consideration before charging you for missed appointments.
Do You Provide Direct Billing?
Yes, I do! I will charge your insurance company directly after your session to ensure payment goes through.
Do You Accept Health Insurance/Extended Health Benefits?
Yes, I do! When you come for your visit bring your insurance card and doctor’s note (if your insurance requires one for massage.